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Literally Literary Content Development Company, a division of BCF ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS LLC, is currently seeking writing samples from independent creative writers and self-published authors of African-American urban literature and African literature. Genres include, drama, romance, action, sci-fi (STEM themed), and comedy. The purpose of this call for literary submissions is to, review, select and to adapt selected material into screenplays for future motion picture productions, or theatrical stage plays by BCF.


Writers must submit a personal artistic bio/ resume and a ONE page writing sample story outline. Writing sample should be in the form of a story outline, and it should be representative of your very BEST STORY. Outline must not exceed 4-pages. Outline must be accompanied with a TITLED cover sheet containing author’s full name and contact information. Cover-sheet, will NOT count as part of the four page story outline.


Your story outline must contain the three basic elements of all creative writing which are: a BEGINNING, a MIDDLE, an ENDING. In addition, your story outline should contain an interesting and compelling 'opening scene.' Your story outline must also introduce the MAIN characters, and the relationship they clearly play to one another. Your story outline must represent WHAT the overall story is about, and all the related ACTIONS, as well as WHAT is your Protagonist's DRAMATIC NEED is. Your story outline must also be divided into a THREE-ACT writing format, with Acts 1 & 2 containing relative PLOT-POINTS. Act 2, must also contain 'CONFRONTATION' and 'TENSION' and must clearly show 'OBSTACLES' your main character is confronted with.  Act 3, of your story outline must show HOW the story is resolved. In other words, HOW does your story end. Your story outline, must include only 'MAJOR' story events which are relative to the Main Character of the story. Also, your story outline must be written in PRESENT-TENSE. In addition, your story outline must be free from typos and spelling errors. Since, film is a 'visual' medium, not a literary medium, writing from a 'visual' perspective is highly recommended. So, think and write your story outline from the perspective of what 'viewers' are going to 'see.'


Tip To Remember: you're transferring your thinking and writing from a 'literary-reading' medium, over to a 'visual-seeing' medium. Also, for more detailed info on 'HOW TO WRITE A MOVIE STORY OUTLINE & MORE,' please refer to that tab on our site from the HOME page. 


Lastly, Font style must be COURIER or COURIER NEW. Font size must 12.




We are NOT at this time seeking authors whom are signed with or represented by a professional literary agent. This Call for submissions IS for unsigned INDEPENDENT creative writers and independent self-published authors ONLY.

All submission documents must be E-mailed as an ATTACHMENT document to:  Include in Email Subject Space ‘Writing Sample.’  We will NOT accept any submission with story outline typed within the body of the Email.


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